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Ubiquiti Networks LBE-5AC-GEN2-US LiteBeam AC GEN 2

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Ubiquiti Networks LBE-5AC-GEN2-US LiteBeam AC GEN 2

does anyone know if there is support for the Ubiquiti Networks LBE-5AC-GEN2-US LiteBeam AC GEN 2?  I have 2 of these and would love to get them going on Areden Mesh.

AE6XE's picture
Sorry, there's no open source
Sorry, there's no open source drivers that support the 802.11ac chipset yet (that support 5 and 10MHz channels and known way to tweak into part 97 channels).  

Ubiquiti Lightbeam M5 Gen 2
I assume that this situation is still unchanged, regarding opensource drivers for Gen 2 products. Is there someone who can be advised to put a notation on the "support matrix" page to indicate Gen 1 only is supported at this time? Thanks, Valentino, VE6MB
K5DLQ's picture
As far as the supported
As far as the supported platform matrix.... the "Gen1" is the Litebeam M5.  "Gen2" is the Litebeam AC.

The naming is similar to Nanostation.
The Nanostation 5 is NOT the same as Nanostation M5 and is not the same as Nanostation AC.
any update?
as of June 2023 has any support for NBE-5AC-Gen2-US moodels been added?

w6bi's picture
Yes, there's support for that device, both in production release and nightly buiilds.  We're running one of them and are very pleased with it.
Orv W6BI

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