I see some ip phones, mesh chat, web servers services mentioned on the forum but what else do people like to host or have seen others host?
I got some ideas but I'm a bit a way off to even post as I am still learning quite a bit. Sooooo what is out there for services on aredn?
Live Mesh map KG6WXC
Apache, MySQL, PHP server
Live ADS-B airplane mapper
RasPBXs and white pages
NTP servers
Live IP Cameras
BPQ Node
Dial-in and dial-out phone patch.
Mattermost (team collaboration server)
TeamTalk (video teleconferencing)
There's several different types of services shown here: https://arednmesh.readthedocs.io/en/latest/arednServicesGuide/services_overview.html
MeshSite (just a website)
(an IRC network consisting of several linked servers, and also linked to the MESH Mattermost via bot)
VOIP phone @ 10*7*151*245 (give me a call!)
A GitLab server with:
AREDN Source Mirror
MeshMap Source Mirror
a pseudo-master DMR Server (in testing)
and probably more to come! The sky is the limit!