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Can I load AREDN firmware on a GL.iNet 150M?

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Can I load AREDN firmware on a GL.iNet 150M?

Can I load AREDN firmware on this GL.iNet device:

GL.iNet 6416 AR9331 802.11n 150Mbps Mini Wireless WiFi Router OPENWRT Firmware Wi-Fi Repeater Travel Router 16MB Flash/64MB RAM

If yes, can you provide a link to the firmware?
It is compatible to the  TP-Link WR703N


Here is the specs:

Model: GL-6416 
CPU: Atheros AR9331, 400MHz 
Memory: DDRII 64MB 
Rom/Flash: 16MB Nor Flash 
Interfaces: 1 WAN, 1 LAN, 1 USB2.0, 1 micro USB (power), 1 Reset button 
Frequency: 2.4GHz 
Transmission rate: up to 150Mbps 
Protocol: 802.11 b/g/n 
Max Tx Power: 18dBm 
External Storage support: FAT32/EXFAT/EXT4/EXT3/EXT2/NTFS 
Webcam support: MJPG, YUV 
DIY Features: UART, 5GPIO, 3.3V & 5V power port 
External antenna support: No 
PoE support: No 
Power input: 5V/1A 
Power consumption: <1W 
Dimension (L x W x H): 58*58*22 mm 
Weight: 43g 


K5DLQ's picture
I don't think there is a gl
I don't think there is a gl-ar150M model.   I've only seen a GL-AR150.   The firmware for it is in the nightly build directory.
K9CQB's picture
That is the GL-iNet 6416, which is legacy model of the GL-AR150
The GL-iNet 6416 has 16MB Flash and 64MB of RAM and has a nearly identical OpenWRT load as the GL-AR150. You could try to flash it with the AR150 firmware, but I'm not sure it would load. Those GL-6416 routers are no longer supported, but there a ton of them out there. They are all internal antenna versions, but have 2 Ethernet ports and a USB port just like the GL-AR150.
If the .bin file from the AR150 loads on it, I would give it a shot. These devices are easy to get back to their original firmware if it doesn't work.

-Damon K9CQB
Damon: thanks!  

Damon: thanks!

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