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Ham Radio Presentations at SCALE 17X on YouTube

Ham Radio Presentations at SCALE 17X on YouTube

The ham radio presentations from the SCALE 17X conference are now available on YouTube.

The presentations are:
1. Orv Beach, W6BI will detail that growth with emphasis on Southern California, with metrics, maps and graphs.  He'll also cover some of the more significant network events, including the ability to stream video of recent brush fires from networked mountaintop webcams to YouTube.

2. Paul Wilkinson, K6IG talks about “Raspberry Pi + HAM Radio = Inexpensive repeater system”. With little effort a very powerful HAM repeater can be made with a Raspberry Pi, two HAM radios, and an internet connection. Some additional, yet inexpensive, hardware is required.

3. Ben Kuo, AI6YR presents “Linux, Raspberry PI, RTLSDR, LAME, and Open Source: A Recipe For Responding To Natural Disasters”. He covers both the why's and how's of putting together your own Raspberry Pi-based, open source system to help your own local community tap into the power of the crowdsourcing and social media emergency management.

4. Joe Ayers, AE^XE presented "AREDN: The technology and considerations to build adhoc wireless networks. He detailed the goals of AREDN, the open source technology, the wireless capabilities, the network architecture, and the considerations to deploy long distance microwave links.


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