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Grandstream GXP2170 help

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Grandstream GXP2170 help
Trying to configure a Grandstream GXP2170 phone. I can call into the phone using direct IP dialing from another phone, but I can't call out from the GXP2170. I have followed the direct dial instructions in the User Guide but I keep getting a busy signal. I would appreciate some guidance. Thanks, Doug, N0DAJ

From the manual:

To make a direct IP call, please follow the steps below:
- When phone is at idle state, press any number key or * key to bring up “Onhook Dialing” page;
- Press round menu key or "DirectIP" softkey;
- Input the target IP address (Please see example below);
- Press "OK" softkey to dial.

For example:
If the target IP address is and the port is 5062 (i.e.,, input the following:
192*168*1*60#5062. The * key represents the dot (.), the # key represents colon (:). Wait for about 4
seconds and the phone will initiate the call.

The default port is 5060 so you should only need to input the IP address.

To save an IP address quick dial to a progammable key:

Set following option:
Settings / Call Features / Bypass Dial Plan Through Call History and Directories to YES

Set your Virtual Multi-Purpose Key as follows:

Speed Dial via Active Account (any account will do even if you are not registed with a SIP server)
Value: *4710*12*34*56 where the IP here is Note there is no * after the *47.


Thanks for the info Ian. I
Thanks for the info Ian. I followed your instructions and still get a busy signal when I dial the other phone. Any more ideas?
What phone
What model phone is at the other end? Have you assured IP connectivity is there? I tried calling a bad number from my phone and it says No Response and a fast busy tone after 20 seconds. Is that what you are getting, or is the busy signal immediate?
The phone on the other end is
The phone on the other end is a Linksys SPA941 and I know that the IP is correct. Again, I can call the Grandstream from the SPA941, but not the other way. I just get a normal busy signal on the Grandstream.
Is the SPA941 live on one of the larger meshes? Perhaps we can have someone try to call it and/or the Grandstream?

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