The new Mikrotik devices supported by AREDN are great, but the installation procedure for loading AREDN firmware on them using a Linux computer has been intimidating to many in our community.
There is no reason to fear any longer.
Ray KK6RAY (formerly KM6WUH) devised a procedure to install AREDN firmware on Mikrotik using a Windows computer. The widespread familiarity with Windows and fewer steps in Ray's procedure should greatly reduce any anxiety you may have about trying a Mikrotik unit.
Ray produced a 20-minute video to demonstrate the installation procedure. The video is on YouTube here.
In addition to a Windows computer, an AREDN-supported Mikrotik device (see Supported Platform Matrix), and an Ethernet cable, you will need:
NOTE: Ray updated these instructions with the following: "If your home WiFi network gives you an IP address in the 192.168.1.x subnet, you will need to disconnect from the WiFi. In my case, my home WiFi router gives me a 10.0.0.x IP address, so I had conflicts remaining connected to my home network while flashing."
Ray has become a very active contributor to the AREDN project recently and we're grateful for his efforts.
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