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Software Old

Before flashing a Ubiquiti device that is running or has been running AirOS version 5.6 or higher, please run the AREDN U-Boot Test program below before attempting a firmware load or upgrade.

If you are installing the current nightly build firmware via the TFTP method, running the U-Boot Test program is not necessary (August 2018)

Please note the AirOS 6.0.6 notes on the AREDN Installation page

We have developed the following utility to help you determine if your device is compatible, as well as being able to take a BACKUP of your node’s critical partitions.  
Download and run the AREDN U-Boot Test Setup Program.   If the test results in a "GOOD/GOOD" result, then you may proceed to load the appropriate AREDN firmware onto it. 

If the test results are "BAD," then you should do the following:
  1. Backup your device partitions using the "Backup" button in the  AREDN U-Boot Test program.
  2. Use the AirOS GUI (web page) to downgrade to AirOS v5.5.x. (At the top of the SYSTEM tab. The section is labelled "Firmware Update".)  AREDN DOES NOT RECOMMEND USING THE TFTP METHOD TO DO THIS DOWNGRADE.

    LINKS to AirOS 5.x for XW and XM hardware:

    Choose the appropriate file below, by checking the hardware version (XM or XW) on the AirOS GUI's (web page) MAIN tab. Look for the entry labelled: "Version".

  3. Please ensure that you fully apply the downgraded firmware (ie. Click UPDATE after selecting the proper file).
  4. Re-run the AREDN U-Boot Test program and look for a "GOOD/GOOD" test.
  5. If "GOOD/GOOD", you can safely use the AirOS GUI to install the AREDN firmware.
  Please read any Release Notes and Operational Notes related to the software version you are downloading. There are archives of the AREDN™ software Release Notes and Operational Notes as separate menu items under the Docs dropdown on the main menu bar. This should make it easier to find the important notes about each software version.

Requires Windows 7 or higher and Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.
  Notes for Over the Air Upgrade are below

Click HERE for downloads
Over the air firmware flash

Beginning with release you can update firmware over-the-air without needing to visit each node.  Use the following steps to upgrade:
  1. From an existing AREDN 3.0.2 node: Download the Over The Air Upgrade Patch “V3.0.2.OTA Support Final” found below

If you don’t need to perform an over-the-air upgrade, then simply load the sysupgrade firmware.  Once the release has been installed on a node, subsequent upgrades can be performed over-the-air and, when the box is checked, will preserve existing settings.

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