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SoCal fire observed from mesh ipCam

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AE6XE's picture
SoCal fire observed from mesh ipCam
We have an active fire taking place in SoCal with a decent view from a mesh ipCam.  This video was taken moments ago from Pleasants Pk over 3 RF links and ~30 miles.    The direction is looking towards Los Angles.  Let's just say it's a lot more obscured than it usually is.

WL7COO's picture
21st Century Fire Lookout

Right  On!  
Do you have any idea how long this had been burning when the recording was made?

AE6XE's picture
Yes, it had started early
Yes, it had started early that morning.   The windows died down and cooler weather is making a significant difference.   If the winds had been strong last night continuing into today, this had the potential to cause significant disruption and damage.  We were watching helicopters and tanks dump onto the fire.  Turning the ipCam to IR mode at night best showed where the fire hotspots were at, that otherwise the fire was not distinguishable in normal day-time color mode.  AREDN is installed, currently being piloted, in the City of Irvine Police department by the IDEC RACES team.   The city emergency manager and others were also watching this video in the RACES radio room--their EOC was on standby.    


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