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View available Json data

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KA7HAK's picture
View available Json data

I was thinking of writing a single page app to do the following:

1) grab a list of available nodes and loop thru them
2) query json data on each node for Node Name,IP,Frequency,BW and SSID
​3) display a table of data

Any thoughts?

It won't get all nodes, but
It won't get all nodes, but there was a beta app floating around the forum previously that will do this and upload the data to the AREDN map where everyone can see it and work off of it (nodes have to have GPS coordinates to be published)
KA7HAK's picture
Local nodes

This would just be on our local network. I'm not looking for mapping. Just a list of nodes (and dtd) and current connection info for each node. A place to start anyway  http://localnode.local.mesh:8080/cgi-bin/sysinfo.json?hosts=1

w6bi's picture
Eric, KG6WXC, aided by K6GSE has developed a set of scripts to do what you want (plus mapping).  Ping Eric - I'm sure he'll be happy to share his code with you.

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