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kc0wkp's picture
We are setting up our first node and we have connections, we are just having difficulty with the devices DHCP. Right now WAN is disabled with the LAN gateway set to the router IP. This is allowing the Node onto the internet, however our Bullet will connect to the node but will not acquire an address and is unable to access the internet. The Mesh gateway checkbox is checked.

Current Setup

The next question would be, if we need to set up the WAN, how can this be set up with a router already inline.
1) you have changed the WIFI
1) you have changed the WIFI address, DO NOT DO THIS.  Reset the node back to firmware default (hold the reset button for 15 second.). The WIFI zip must be in the range.   You have multiple up subnet routing issues here.

2) Your node also appears to be transmitting outside the USA ham bands. Please check your center frequency and channel width.

3) "The bullet does not obtain an IP". It won't, It's suppose to generate an IP as an AREDN node. If you mean it doesn't get a WAN GW I this could be related to the other issues.

4) For the meshGW issue:

5) For the "setting up with router in line" 
VLAN info:
AE6XE's picture
KC0WKP,   Some elaboration
KC0WKP,   Some elaboration may be helpful.   The LAN 'network' of the mesh node is not designed to be connected with another network (like your home network).   It will not properly route traffic with your home network and other mesh network routing issue could show up.    While I know a couple folks doing this, they have more complex configurations on there home network to get everything work.  It tends to be problematic.  

The WAN interface is designed to connect to your home network and works the same way as a home router-wifi connected to the service provider's network.  Your home router has a WAN port connected to a cable modem in the same way.     But you will need an 802.1q switch like the netgear GS105E to have a physical WAN port to use for this purpose (unless this is an AirRouter or you add one running AREDN).   See some of the Docs for DtDlink'ing and other forum posts.

The mesh network as a whole is designed to use 10.x.x.x addresses on the WIFI. Changing the default address was for the case an override was needed in the extremely unlikely event the default has a collision with another mesh node that joins your network.  The IP address is derived from the MAC address of the device.  By changing the IP address scheme on the Wifi interface, then no one can create a link with you unless they know how to set their IP address correctly--the automation is broken.

Joe AE6XE 

kc0wkp's picture
Thank You
Thanks for the input, I was curious about if a Vlan was required. Right now the device a Nano Station is hooked up to a passive switch and a basic Netgear router.

Option 1 new router -
I have been wanting to pick up the Mikrotik RB2011, so that may be the answer. We also have a Sophos router sitting here which would also work.

Option 2 Switch
I do have another 5 port passive switch, would this need to go in-between the Router and the modem, I have done this with other installs but only to set up multiple ISP IPs on the same modem.

Right now I am starting to get a better handle on the setup, however I am still not sure how the WAN is supposed to work into the internet network. Is port supposed to work like the WAN on my router? So if I were to remove the router and plug the M2 right into the Modem it would work. I really just trying to get my head wrapped around how the traffic traverses the network.

AE6XE's picture
The passive switch or hub won
The passive switch or hub won't help with option 2.  Go with option 1 or other 802.1q capable switch to define vlan tags.  Consider the nanostation cat5 as a trunked cable with vlans 1 (WAN) & 2 (DtDlink) defined, as well as untagged (LAN).    Plug it into this smart switch and vlan 1 can be configured to another port, making it the 'WAN' port.  Plug this WAN port into your home router or cable modem directly.    The untagged packets coming from the nanostation, put those to other ports  on the switch, and then plug in your computer, voip phone, etc.  to be on the mesh network.    Ignore vlan 2, unless you have another mesh node.  vlan 2 is for the mesh nodes to discover each other and route mesh traffic to each other. 

Best to check this RB2011 and make sure vlan 1 is not used internal to the switch and off limits.  It would be problematic to use as the mesh node also expects vlan 1 to be used for the WAN.   You could also setup the RB2011 wireless in bridge mode on the mesh LAN network or untagged packets coming from the mesh node.  Then you have wifi to the mesh network and devices receive a 10.x.x.x address directly on the mesh.    

If you can create 2 SSIDs on this RB2011, you could have one from your home network and another directly on the mesh network.  If I had this device, I'd plug it into my cable modem, have ~5 ports for home network, ~5 ports for the mesh network and 2 x SSIDs for each network.   I might just have to get one of these myself :) ...


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