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Will it Work, Ubiquiti Rocket M2

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kc0wkp's picture
Will it Work, Ubiquiti Rocket M2
Hello all, just to introduce myself. My name is Aaron KC0WKP, I live in Baraboo, WI. We are looking into building several nodes in the area of Baraboo and Wisconsin Dells. I have been looking into different hardware and I have been looking at getting the Rocket. I noticed in the product compatibility matrix that there is some hardware that is not supported. I did not see the M2 under the unsupported hardware matrix. So my question is, does the the new hardware apply to the M2?

WU2S's picture
Rocket M2

When looking at the Supported Platform Matrix, the Rocket (XM) row is all green which means that the hardware is supported. If you look at the intersection of this row and the 2.4GHz column, the cell has a faint M2 which is a link to the Amazon listing to order this equipment.

Adding on:
Adding on:

Specifically  there is no XW line of the M2's. XW has only impacted 5.8GHz so far.
kc0wkp's picture
Thanks, that is what I was
Thanks, that is what I was wondering. I did not realize there was a link as well.
Thanks again.
Don't tell my wife but here it goes.
K6AH's picture
Get ready to buy her a new pair of shoes buddy!
AE6XE's picture
The NBE/PBE-M2-400 is in the
The NBE/PBE-M2-400 is in the one exception to the XW Ubiquity devices on 2Ghz showing Yellow in the AREDN support matrix.   Thanks to W7ADD, he has been running an AREDN nightly build on this device with no related XW issues since October. 
kc0wkp's picture
We have two of the Nano
We have two of the Nano Station M2 radios, I was looking in the installation documentation and it indicated that if we are running 5.6 or the radios had run 5.6 we should not switch to AREDN. I was under the impression that if we downgraded this was a non-issue.
kc0wkp's picture
I answered my own question,
I answered my own question, Sorry. I needed to reread the Downloads section.


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