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Overall Network map

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Overall Network map

From everything I know and I am aware how little that really is, are HSMM-MESH and AREDN compatible, I feel they should be, but are they?  If they are, and even if they aren't, maybe it may be better to have a joint map showing the connections and overlap of the 2 systems.  Then in the case of an emergency or even in the eyes of those planning for the what ifs, we can get an idea of the coverage of the HAM data network.

It is my opinion that we are one community with one real goal to serve our society better.  It is my feeling that working together even loosely is the best option, can we do that?

K5DLQ's picture
Hi, and welcome!

Hi, and welcome!

Yes.  BBHN and AREDN networks can co-exist.  You can use the DTDLink'ing feature to tie them together (via ethernet), where you have high-power AREDN nodes running on Part 97-only frequencies and BBHN nodes running shared Part 15/97.

As far as the maps, you can use Google Earth to load the AREDN kml files as well as the BBHN kml file to see all nodes that have self-reported at one time or another.

I hope this helps...

K5DLQ's picture
Also, you do need to manually
Also, you do need to manually enable the DTDLinking feature on Linksys devices, as, it had been disabled due to a flaw in handling VLAN's in the onboard ethernet chip in some Linksys models (but, your "mileage may vary").

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