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Team talk setting to auto connect.

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Team talk setting to auto connect.
I have my team talk server up and running, we have been testing voice over teamtalk, and it is working well.  More people are starting to get into teamtalk and I'm trying to make it easier.  I finally found out how to make teamtalk default and open the app instead of the server page (replace http with txt when announcing the service version 5 and up) it seems like there were others that were fighting that issue also.  But what I am trying to do is have it set the server up and username and password to automatically login when when you click on the teamtalk service link. Has anyone messed with this or have an idea of how to set it up?  I assume it has something to do with the TT file, that can be generated and saved, but not sure. Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.

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