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New Install - Where to point Antenna Oso or Bullion NanoBridge M5

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New Install - Where to point Antenna Oso or Bullion NanoBridge M5

Hi, I am in Turlock and just setting up my antenna.  Pointing to Oso might be a better, but heard it might not be working right now?  Any suggestion would be helpful.

Mark - N6ARP

K6MEC's picture
Listening in...
...Just keeping my ears open on this issue as I'm planning on deploying a node in Tracy. I have a good LoS to Oso and am just starting out.
What is the distance from
What is the distance from Tracy to OSO? might be a long shot, i know Jason KG6H is getting prepared to deploy some nodes a little farther north on the OSO range.


If it was me.. i would point
If it was me.. i would point to Billion, Oso is up last I knew, but the bridge link between Bul and Oso is down, but that could have changed. Get with Spencer KJ6ART in turlock. He might advise diffrent.

K6MEC's picture
According to my site map, it
According to my site map, it's only 16 miles off, so not far. I'm ready to connect as soon as the new nodes are deployed. I'd love to be able to provide emergency data and phones to the local OES and police in the event of an emergency. I'm running Asterisk and also a GSM cell network.
Actually OSO might be a
Actually OSO might be a better shot, a month or so back we optimized the OSO link. We currently have 3 inter trunked PBX's setup on the SJV-Mesh, One located in Turlock, Merced, and Maraposa. We also currently have 1 AllStar node on also that is currently interconnected with the PBX's that is tied in to the local repeaters, soon to be 2. 

Rich W6ABJ

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