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The AREDN Project was recently honored by the Yasme Foundation with the award of a $7000 grant for the purchase of a 20 GHz spectrum analyzer. The analyzer will be used to understand the characteristics of 802.11 protocols in the unique, long-distance mesh, configurations of AREDN implementations. It will also afford us the ability to measure, and perhaps, improve the quality of transmissions emanating from AREDN-supported devices.
The AREDN Project team is grateful to the Yasme Foundation for taking the time to consider its need for a spectrum analyzer. Andre Hansen, K6AH, in speaking for the entire team said, “To be awarded this grant is particularly gratifying for us because it acknowledges the value the AREDN Project affords Amateur Radio.”
The Yasme Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation organized to support scientific and educational projects related to amateur radio. Their support includes long distance communication (DXing), the introduction and promotion of amateur radio in developing nations and encouraging youth participation in amateur radio.
More information about the Yasme Foundation may be found at
AREDN® is a registered trademark of Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network, Inc., a non-profit corporation.
The AREDN® team is pleased to announce the start of a new program to recognize people who are actively contributing to spreading the word about how hams can use our 21st century mesh networking technology to provide high-speed data communications when disasters strike.
We call these special people “AREDN® Ambassadors”.
These are key members of our community who:
Congratulations to each of you!
It is finally here! We are looking forward to seeing you at Hamvention in Xenia, Ohio this Friday through Sunday, May 17-19.
We are in booth #1001. We will have a lot of equipment on display, including some of the newest gear from Mikrotik and our fourth supported manufacturer GL-iNet.
In addition to the new hardware, we have made a lot of improvements in the firmware. We want to hear your comments and questions on the recent changes. As always, your ideas help us set the direction for future enhancements.
We will hold some short classes on a variety of topics to help get you started or to extend your capabilities.
Stop by our booth and say hello.
Hamvention, the largest annual Amateur Radio gathering in the U.S. and the ARRL National Convention will share a joint theme, “Mentoring the Next Generation” of Amateur Radio operators.
Hamvention will host the 2019 ARRL National Convention in Xenia, Ohio, May 17-19, 2019. The joint announcement was made Nov.1 by Jack Gerbs, WB8SCT, Hamvention General Chairman; Rick Allnutt, WS8G, Assistant General Chairman and Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, ARRL Marketing Manager. The location is the Greene County Fairgrounds on May 17 – 19 in Xenia, Ohio.
The AREDN® team and the Miami Valley Mesh Alliance will again be in booth #1001. The team is working ardently to mentor hams about the 21st century applications of mesh networking. We will have a lot of new devices, new firmware enhancements and new ideas to show you. We will again run mini-classes throughout the day to tell you about how to get started and how to use AREDN mesh networking.
For more information see the Hamvention website and the ARRL website.
Look for the AREDN team and the Miami Valley Mesh Alliance when you are there. We look forward to meeting you.
On Saturday, February 16, 2019 the Medical Coordination Center (MCC) at Cooper University Hospital in Camden, NJ will be hosting an ARES/RACES/AUXCOMM Symposium for hams in the Southern New Jersey and the Eastern Pennsylvania areas. The MCC is beginning to use AREDN and would like to see the technology adopted more fully in their area. The event runs from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Presentations in the morning will be given by:
The afternoon will consist of breakout sessions and demonstrations.
Register at EventBrite to attend the Amateur Radio in Public Health & Medical Services (ESF #8) ...
AREDN mesh networkers will be at the Frostfest 2019 in Richmond, VA on Saturday, February 2, 2019. The location is the Richmond Raceway Complex, 600 East Laburnum Avenue, Richmond, VA 23222-2253. This event is the ARRL Roanoke Division Convention, so there will be many League officials on site.
A group led by Damon Schaefer K9CQB will be on hand to demonstrate equipment and answer your questions. Just look for the large AREDN banner at their table. His team plans to populate the booth with several masts bristling with equipment and 2 large monitors, one running an AREDN slideshow and one with a local mesh network for live demonstrations.
Stop by and say hello!
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