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Hamvention 2017 Mesh Network Forum

Saturday, May 20, 2017
Forum Room 2 at 1:30 pm

Moderator:  Bill Curtice, WA8APB, Miami Valley Mesh Alliance (MVMA)

Hams around the world are now building radio-based high speed digital mesh networks across their cities using microwave technologies and low cost commercial hardware adapted for Amateur Radio use.  Mesh provides flexible, high speed wireless communications that can be adapted to varying terrain types, can be rapidly deployed, are fun to build and use, and are particularly well suited to the EmComm needs of many served agencies. 

The MVMA is delighted to host Andre Hansen, K6AH, of the Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN) Project, speaking on how to build an effective AuxComm, high-speed data network based on Ubiquiti airMAX products and the AREDN Project’s firmware.

Andre will describe a 3-tiered architecture---using illustrations of actual installations---where AREDN implementers in San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange, and Los Angeles Counties have combined to cover over 16,000 square miles with a potential of supporting Incident...

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​Hamvention 2017

The AREDN Project and the Miami Valley Mesh Alliance will have a large presence at Hamvention 2017. We will be in booth 1001 in Building 1 at the Greene County Fairgrounds near Xenia, Ohio. The dates are May 19, 20 and 21, 2017.

We are planning to conduct several demonstrations and answer all your questions about how mesh networking can aid your local emergency response agencies. In the AREDN Forum under General Discussion we have a thread to collect your suggestions for what you would like to see demonstrated.

In Forum room 2 on Saturday, May 20th, from 1:30 to 2:30, Andre, K6AH, will deliver a brief intro to AREDN mesh networking and discuss a simple, yet successful implementation technique that has been used to provide coverage throughout 5 counties---over 16,000 square miles---of Southern California; standing ready to serve the disaster services needs of over 18 million people.  The deployed ham in this scenario delivers these services with an investment in gear, over and above an existing VHF go-kit, of well under $100.

This presentation will show you how you may be able to do this in your...

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