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​Hamvention 2017 Days 2 and 3

You know life is good when you go to bed tired and happy with what was accomplished that day and wake up full of energy ready to do it again. That is the way I have felt the past several days.

Saturday is the big day at Hamvention in terms of crowds and presentations. The Miami Valley Mesh Alliance and AREDN booth saw its share of both all day Saturday and all morning on Sunday. There was a non-stop stream of hams interested in how an AREDN mesh network can help them provide better services to their local emergency responders. And we were prepared with answers and examples for them.

As a result of preparing for Hamvention, we will have photos, presentations and new content on the website soon. Just give us some time to rest and organize the material. We will also have links to media created by others who covered our presence at the event.

Andre's presentation on Building a High-Speed AuxComm Data Network was a big hit with the approzimately 400 hams who packed the forum room. Jason KC5HWB video recorded the presentation and plans to show it on his YouTube channel HamRadio2.0 in the near...

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​Hamvention 2017 Day 1

What an amazing, delightful and thoroughly exhausting day it has been!

The new location at the Greene County Fairgrounds is great, and while I am sure there will be a number of things that need to be improved for next year, overall this site is a winner for Hamvention. DARA and the hundreds (thousands?) of volunteers who worked to make this event successful are to be commended and thanked for their efforts.

We had a lot of traffic at the booth on Friday. There were many interesting conversations with hams from all over the U.S, Canada and Europe. The mini classes have been well-attended. Even though the classes are short - only 15 to 20 minutes - most people found them useful. They give us the opportunity to have extended talks about specific subjects. We'll post a lot of this information on the website in the near future.

All mini class attendees get a ticket for a door prize drawing. We draw the winning tickets at 3:30 pm and you must be present at our booth to collect a door prize. Yesterday we awarded two prizes to hams whose names and photos will be posted later. The prizes were a Nanostation...

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