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​AREDN in June 2017 QST

AREDN – A High-Speed Data Network by Andre Hansen, K6AH appears in the June 2017 edition of QST.  The article is a thorough discussion of a high-speed multimedia network for public service applications.

Andre describes the features and functions of this innovative open-source effort. The AREDN project repurposes commercial microwave hardware for use on amateur radio bands. He provides an overview of the steps necessary in designing, building and operating an RF network which is focused on supporting emergency response agencies.

A large-scale deployment already covers much of Southern California. A multi-tiered AREDN network in San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange and Los Angeles counties covers more than 16,000 square miles and has the potential to serve over 18 million people.

If you are an ARRL member, you can read the article in their digital edition:

​Hamvention 2017 Mini Classes

Booth # 1001

This is the schedule of mini classes we will conduct in Booth #1001 at Hamvention. Each class is about 15 minutes long. Since there is limited space available, we will conduct additional sessions if the demand warrants them. Please check our booth for schedule updates.

Friday, May 19
10:00 - VoIP Topic A
11:00 - Winlink2K Topic A
13:00 – MeshChat
14:00 - Network Planning
15:00 - VoIP Topic B
16:00 - Winlink2K Topic B
17:00 - Video Tips

Saturday, May 20
10:00 - MeshChat
11:00 - Video Tips
12:00 - VoIP Topic A
              Forum Room 2

15:00 - VoIP Topic B
16:00 - Winlink2K Topic A

Sunday, May 21
10:00 - Network Planning
11:00 – TBD

Additional classes may be scheduled.
See Booth #1001 Announcements

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