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​AREDN at Orlando Hamcation 2017


Sorry, but our presentation at Hamcation is canceled.

Well, actually the Thursday flight to Orlando got canceled due to the imminent snow storm and the first available seat was on a Saturday evening flight! However, if you are in the Sarasota area on February 25, Randy will be presenting at the ARRL West Central Florida section TECHCON located in the Sarasota County Red Cross headquarters.

The AREDN team will be present at the Orlando Hamcation 2017 on February 10 - 12, 2017. Randy Smith, WU2S will present an overview of AREDN mesh networking in the Lakeside pavilion on Saturday February 11 at 10:00 am. 

More information about tickets, travel, accommodations and forums can be found on the Hamcation website.


AREDN on Ham Radio 360 Podcast

​Cale Nelson K4CDN reports that mesh networking has been one of those things that he wanted to learn about.  Join Cale as he learns about mesh networking over ham radio with Randy (WU2S) and Darryl (K5DLQ) in this latest installment of the Ham Radio 360 Podcast.

Listen to the Ham Radio 360 podcast on AREDN and check out all the rest of Cale's ham radio podcasts. You will find a lot of interesting and useful information here. 


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