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West Central Florida TechCon 2017


The AREDN team will be present at the 3rd annual West Central Florida TechCon in Sarasota, FL on Saturday, February 25, 2017. Randy Smith, WU2S will present an overview of AREDN mesh networking at 11:00 am in the Sarasota County Red Cross headquarters building. Randy will describe how a high-speed data can support your emergency communications. He will cover how to plan a network, what equipment to buy, how to get setup and why you should consider putting AREDN at the center of emergency prepAREDNess.

More information about the location, schedule, presentations, accommodations and restaurants can be found on the West Central Florida section website.

Yuma Hamfest 2017

Andre K6AH from the AREDN team will conduct a seminar on Saturday, February 18  at 10:20  on the effort to federate independent AREDN networks across California.

Conrad KG6JEI from the AREDN team and his friends of the Amateur Radio Tower Trailer Team will also be present. Mesh will again be apart of the demo operations planned from the trailer station so please feel free to come by and talk a bit about MESH or anything else Amateur Radio.

New mesh additions this year:

  • Local Access point: an open WiFi network will be made available to connect into. This is a method used by local EOC's deployments to bring the non-ham's onto the network. Browse the services at your convenience
  • Digtial/MESH ATV: A PTZ Camera similar to the ones used at many sites here in SOCAL
  • Additional "service" demo's

Out of respect for the balloon launch which is scheduled to be carrying an AREDN payload on channel -2, our local mesh operations will likely be on channel 1 with an SSID of AREDN-20-v3. Stop by the trailer for more details of coordinated frequency usage on site.


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