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​DMR over MESH Forum from Cowtown Hamfest, 2018

From the Cowtown Hamfest, KD5RXT shows us how to connect DMR hotspots together over a MESH network, using either AREDN or BBHN.  AREDN is one of my show sponsors, and I am happy to support them.  This is a cool idea on how to setup an inter-op network to use DMR if you have to setup in an emergency situation or somewhere without internet.

See Jason's full video in Episode 126 of HamRadio 2.0

​AREDN at Southern California Linux Expo in March

The 16th annual Southern California Linux Expo – will take place on March. 8-11, 2018, at the Pasadena Convention Center. Sunday, March 11 will be a day to showcase amateur radio. Remember that Daylight Saving Time starts on that day, so make sure your clocks are set correctly.

SCaLE is the largest community-run open-source and free software conference in North America. It is held annually in the greater Los Angeles area.

As reported by the ARRL, The Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN) will demonstrate and answer questions about Amateur Radio mesh networking. AREDN writes firmware to move wireless access points into the Amateur Radio portions of the 2.4-, 3.4-, and 5.8-GHZ bands. Images from an AREDN camera recently provided live images from the Thomas Fire in California.

​Orv Beach, KB6I, will present “Linux and the Ham Radio Internet” in Room...

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