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AREDN® 2020 Conference

Our energetic AREDN® Ambassador Orv Beach W6BI is organizing our first conference. The planned date is Saturday, October 24, 2020 beginning at 08:00 PDT (1500 UTC). The event will take place on a video conference facility.
Watch for further details here and on our Facebook group.

The Call for Papers will go out and registration will start in early July.  It will be held via Zoom webinar with 500 attendee slots available.

Thanks Orv for getting this event rolling!

Updated date: Thursday, June 18, 2020 - 19:34

AREDN Release Notes v3.20.3.0 – 27 March 2020

The AREDN team is pleased to announce the general availability of the latest stable release of AREDN firmware. We now fully support 70+ devices from four manufacturers. This diversity of supported equipment enables hams to choose the right gear for a given situation and budget.

AREDN firmware is now based on the most recent stable version of OpenWRT19.07.2 which was released in March 2020. This improvement is significant in that it enables AREDN firmware to benefit from the many bug fixes, security improvements and feature enhancements provided by OpenWRT developers from around the world.

The latest AREDN firmware contains features inherited from the newest OpenWRT upstream release (19.07.2). One important change is the inclusion of a new target (architecture) for the firmware, labelled “ath79”, which is the successor to the existing “ar71xx” targets. OpenWRT explains that their main goal for this target is to bring the code into a form that will allow all devices to run a standard unpatched Linux kernel. This will greatly reduce the amount of customization required and will streamline the firmware development process. As not all supported devices have been migrated to the new “ath79” target, AREDN continues to build firmware for both targets.  You may notice that the AREDN download page has firmware for these two targets, and you should select the latest...

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Updated date: Friday, March 27, 2020 - 23:04

Ham Radio Now on FCC Reallocation of 3/5 GHz

David Goldenberg W0DHG interviews Andre Hansen K6AH, David Erickson KB5UGF and Jim Aspinwall NO1PC to discuss the spectrum defense and proposed changes to the 3GHz and 5GHz bands. These changes will affect current AREDN networks across the nation.
Please remember before you respond to the FCC, make sure you write professionally and to the point. And please reach out to your served agencies and representatives.

Ham Radio Now episode 415
Call to Action
AREDN Comment Template
AREDN High-Speed Data Network Article
MJARS FCC Reallocation Documents

Updated date: Monday, January 6, 2020 - 10:28

ARRL Call to Action in Defense of Part 97 Allocations in the 3 and 5 GHz Bands

The FCC WT Docket 19-348 and WT Docket 19-138 will severely curtail growth of one of the newest and most effective means for Amateurs to support emergency communications.  Existing installations will be severely curtailed or, with no reasonable alternatives, be forced to cease operations.  Thousands of hams have built or are in the process of constructing high-speed data networks in the 3 & 5 GHz ham microwave allocations.


AREDN (Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network) was an outgrowth of the ARRL working group on High-Speed Multimedia (HSMM).  It has evolved over the past 10-12 years from its first implementation by Broadband Hamnet (BBHN).  Over the years the AREDN Project has developed software support for nearly 70 commercial wireless routers---moving them from their Part 15 allocation into adjacent Part 97 allocations in the .9, 2, 3, and 5 GHz bands---providing an inexpensive and easy way for hams to implement high-speed (up to 144 Mbps) data networks in support of Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs), Non-governmental Agencies (NGOs) and first responders.  The project has twice been recognized by the league for the significance of its achievements by awarding the Project the ARRL Microwave Development Award in 2014 and 2018.

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Updated date: Monday, December 9, 2019 - 16:27



Auxcomm Symposium in Southern New Jersey

On Saturday, February 16, 2019 the Medical Coordination Center (MCC) at Cooper University Hospital in Camden, NJ will be hosting an ARES/RACES/AUXCOMM Symposium for hams in the Southern New Jersey and the Eastern Pennsylvania areas. The MCC is beginning to use AREDN and would like to see the technology adopted more fully in their area. The event runs from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Presentations in the morning will be given by:

  • Bob Bruninga WB4APR - APRS
  • Joe Everhart N2CX - NVIS HF Field Antennas
  • Cory Sickles WA3UVV - Yaesu System Fusion
  • Randy Smith WU2S - AREDN high-speed multimedia mesh networking

The afternoon will consist of breakout sessions and demonstrations.  
Register at EventBrite to attend the Amateur Radio in Public Health & Medical Services (ESF #8) ...

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AREDN at Frostfest 2019

AREDN mesh networkers will be at the Frostfest 2019 in Richmond, VA on Saturday, February 2, 2019. The location is the Richmond Raceway Complex, 600 East Laburnum Avenue, Richmond, VA 23222-2253. This event is the ARRL Roanoke Division Convention, so there will be many League officials on site.

A group led by Damon Schaefer K9CQB will be on hand to demonstrate equipment and answer your questions. Just look for the large AREDN banner at their table. His team plans to populate the booth with several masts bristling with equipment and 2 large monitors, one running an AREDN slideshow and one with a local mesh network for live demonstrations. 

Stop by and say hello!

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