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AREDN Release

Here are the release notes for AREDN production release, derived from nightly build 20231018


Added supernode support.

"Supernodes" are specially configured AREDN nodes in various locations which support a "mesh of meshes". With this release your localnode will automatically detect a nearby supernode, if one exists, and will show a new button on the Mesh Status page, labeled "Cloud Mesh". Clicking on that button will take you to the Mesh Status page of that supernode and show you all the nodes and services on the Cloud Mesh. You can navigate to any of them as though they were on your local mesh.

The URL for the supernode map is Clicking on any of the node types in the upper-right-hand corner of the map will filter all other nodes out, showing only the types selected.

Remember and reinstall packages after firmware upgrade (AFTER this version is installed)

Simplified search tool

Added LZ77 decompression for Mikrotik firmware, which is now using a different compression method


  • Now run cron.boot tasks earlier
  • Changed poll rate default to one hour
  • Added installable cron package for people who need more functionality 

Improved dual radio...

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Updated date: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 - 13:17

Locations of AREDN SuperNodes


Click HERE to view the map and SELECT Supernode from the legend at the the top right of the map

Thanks to KN6PLV for his work on the Supernode code and map!


Updated date: Friday, November 10, 2023 - 09:51

Nightly Build Status 21 Sep 2023

Since the last AREDN  software production release, there have been a number of nightly builds, some of which contain significant enhancements.  As usual, the AREDN devs would appreciate some helping testing the updates.    Here's a list of the most significant ones.

  • If you're planning on buying a new Mikrotik device, you'll need to install a recent nightly build on it.  Mikrotik has changed their code's compression algorithm, and the AREDN code has been modified to accommodate it and allow successful software installations.
  • The Search function has been streamlined
  • An installable cron package has been added for people who need more functionality than the built-in cron support
  • If you've downloaded and added extra packages to a node, after updating to the latest nightly build, later builds will remember those packages and download and reinstall the correct versions for you.
  • Support for wildcard DNS entries has been added.  This was done to support installing Sandstorm on a local computer.  Sandstorm is an "app support platform" that lets you install and offer out over 70 web-based apps  to your local AREDN community.   It could be an excellent local support tool. [Note that any potential user of the Sandstorm platform will need to have a currently nightly build on their localnode].
  • Added support for the supernode ...
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Updated date: Tuesday, September 26, 2023 - 22:24

AREDN Release Available

There have been over 70 nightly releases of the AREDN codebase since the last production release in April of 2023. Here are the highlights of the latest production release:              


  • Added Prometheus Metrics (meant for use with monitoring apps like Grafana)
  • SSH, TELNET and HTTP access to a node via the WAN port can now be disabled from the advanced configuration page.
  • Improved handling of unsupported hardware.
  • Use wifi assoc list when looking for unresponsive nodes
  • Allow MTU on wifi interface to be modified
  • Minor wifi monitor improvements for better metrics reporting
  • Merge all the station monitoring and mitigation into a single service
  • Support xlinks on x86
  • Remove subnet restrictions for xlinks
  • Support switching mesh radio on multi-radio devices
  • UI improvements from AB7PA
  • Upgrade to OpenWRT 22.03.5 
  • ...
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Updated date: Tuesday, September 5, 2023 - 22:13



Call for Code Finalists Announced

#CallforCode 2019 five global finalists announced. Vote for your favorite #opensource tech solutions for natural disaster response and recovery. Pick the People's Choice Winner and get a chance to consult with a VC expert:

Automated Mesh Map

Our resident network mapper and AREDN developer Eric KG6WXC just published a page describing his mapping program. His Automated Mesh Map allows hobbyists who have experience in Linux/Apache/SQL to collaborate while gaining metrics in their desired nodes. It has a become a “go to” tool for monitoring the status of the networks. Groups who start setting up their own AREDN Networks also get a copy of the map to monitor their progress.
You can get all the details on his page at SkySilk Cloud Services User Spotlight.

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