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Search results improvement

The results you will see from a search have changed. By default, search results are now grouped by the type of source page. This means that all results from Forum Topics are grouped together separately from search results from Knowledge Base, How To, News, Announcements and other page types.

Additionally, the source forum is indicated so that you will immediately know if the search result originated in a regional sub-forum or something else, such as hardware, VoIP, deployment or ragchew. 

We hope that this improvement makes finding information easier for you.

AREDN Presentation at IARU Region 2 Emergency Communications Workshop

Andre Hansen, K6AH, gave a presentation today to the IARU Region 2 Emergency Communications Workshop in Viña del Mar, Chile. He introduced the technology and the work of the AREDN Project software development team and described techniques for deploying AREDN in support of AUXCOM.

K6AH presents at IARU Region 2 Emergency Communications Workshop

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