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Reminder - AREDN Has Implemented TLS on Website

The AREDN Project has enabled mandatory use of transport layer security (TLS) on the website starting today Saturday, September 23, 2017.  TLS is an encryption technology that obscures the meaning of the website traffic to 3rd parties. We are doing this to better serve our community and to avoid being labeled a potentially harmful website by ever increasingly strict search engines and browsers.

You should know that accessing the AREDN website with TLS over an amateur radio link may be considered a violation of FCC Part 97 regulations. 

​AREDN Team at HAMCON 2017

The AREDN team will be participating in the HAMCON 2017 / ARRL Southwestern Division Conference at the Torrance Marriott Redondo Beach Hotel in Torrance, California on September 15 - 17, 2017.

Andre, K6AH, will be present two sessions on the AREDN project on Saturday September 16. Andre’s talk is titled The AREDN Project: The Latest in Mesh Network.
His first session will be in the Pier 2 and 4 rooms at 11:00 a.m. His second session will be in the Pier 6 room at 1:00 p.m.

Andre will discuss key factors for success in planning and building a high-speed multimedia mesh network to support emergency service providers and communicators. He will present lessons learned from deploying a mesh network in Southern California which covers more than 16,000 square miles and has the potential to serve over 18 million people.
Both sessions will cover the same material.

We hope to see you there.

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