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Hamvention® 2019 Theme Promotes Mentoring the Next Generation

Hamvention, the largest annual Amateur Radio gathering in the U.S. and the ARRL National Convention will share a joint theme, “Mentoring the Next Generation” of Amateur Radio operators.

Hamvention will host the 2019 ARRL National Convention in Xenia, Ohio, May 17-19, 2019. The joint announcement was made Nov.1 by Jack Gerbs, WB8SCT, Hamvention General Chairman; Rick Allnutt, WS8G, Assistant General Chairman and Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, ARRL Marketing Manager. The location is the Greene County Fairgrounds on May 17 – 19 in Xenia, Ohio.

The AREDN® team and the Miami Valley Mesh Alliance  will again be in booth #1001. The team is working ardently to mentor hams about the 21st century applications of mesh networking. We will have a lot of new devices, new firmware enhancements and new ideas to show you. We will again run mini-classes throughout the day to tell you about how to get started and how to use AREDN mesh networking. 

For more information see the Hamvention website and the ARRL website.

Look for the AREDN team and the Miami Valley Mesh Alliance when you are there. We look forward to meeting you.

Updated date: Saturday, April 6, 2019 - 11:48

AREDN Release Notes v3.19.3.0 – 23 March 2019

The AREDN team is pleased to announce the general availability of the latest stable release of AREDN firmware.

Since our last stable release just 6 months ago, the AREDN team has made significant progress. We now fully support 55 devices from three manufacturers, and support an additional 4 devices with some cautions. This diversity of supported equipment enables hams to choose the right gear for a given situation and budget.

Our documentation has been vastly improved. If you haven't seen it recently, please look at the --ONLINE DOCS -- link under the Docs tab on the Main Menu bar. Our documentation is available to download as a PDF so that you can read it offline at your convenience. 

  1. AREDN firmware is now based on the most recent stable version of OpenWRT 18.06.2 released in January 2019. This includes a current version of the Linux kernel. This improvement is significant in that it enables AREDN firmware to benefit from the many bug fixes, security improvements and feature enhancements provided by developers around the world.
  2. Current AREDN nightly builds can be loaded onto any supported (or ‘in testing’) Ubiquiti device by using the TFTP method.   If the version of AirOS is v5.5 or lower, then the AirOS Web Interface may be used to load AREDN.   The bootloader provided with AirOS 5.6 and higher will check for official “signed Ubiquiti firmware”...
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Updated date: Saturday, March 23, 2019 - 13:08

AREDN Release Notes v3.18.9.0 – 26 September 2018

The AREDN team is pleased to announce the general availability of the latest stable release of AREDN firmware.

This release includes many significant improvements in the underlying OpenWRT code during the last 4 years, from July 2014 to August 2018. It also introduces a major upgrade in OLSR from version 0.6.7 to version

Details of the OpenWRT changes are found at the following links:
OpenWRT 18.6.0 – First Stable Release – July 2018
OpenWRT 18.06.1 Service Release
OpenWRT Version History

List of Changes

  1. AREDN firmware is now based on the most recent stable version of OpenWRT 18.06.1 released in August 2018. This includes a current version of the Linux kernel. This improvement is significant in that it enables AREDN firmware to benefit from the many bug fixes, security improvements and feature enhancements provided by developers around the world.

  2. Current AREDN software can be loaded onto any supported (or ‘in testing’) Ubiquiti device by using the TFTP method.   If the version of AirOS is v5.5 or lower, then the AirOS Web Interface may be used to load AREDN.   The...

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Updated date: Saturday, October 13, 2018 - 10:10

​ARRL Awards 2018 Microwave Development Award to AREDN Team

​The ARRL announced that The Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN) project team was named as recipient of the 2018 ARRL Microwave Development Award for its initiatives to utilize Amateur Radio’s microwave bands. These included extending the network’s high-speed multimedia capabilities from solely 2.4 GHz to 900 MHz, 3 GHz, and 5.8 GHz, and adding 802.11n protocol to improve data throughput. The Board also acknowledged the efforts of the many AREDN implementation groups around the country who are building networks based on this technology and who stand ready to utilize them to serve the needs of their communities in times of disaster. 

Updated date: Thursday, August 2, 2018 - 20:16



Standardized NanoStation XM Ethernet port configuration

The NanoStation XM devices now have fully functional ports - both main and secondary.   This capability will be in Dec 3, 2018 nightly build.   The behavior is now same as NanoStation XW devices.   POE Passthough is also functional.   

This new capability means the following usage is significantly simplified to setup.   At local community events when setting up ipCams around a parade route or event area, there can be a station with 2 nodes -- incoming link on one channel/band and outgoing link on another channel/band.  This means many HD video quality signals can go through the station as this relay station does not share the same frequency.


2 mesh nodes, 1 ipCam, 1 5-port switch, 4 way power split to all devices, junction box.   Lots of labor and points of failure to build and configure the enclosure and cabling.


2 mesh nodes, 1 ipCam, daisy chain the cat5 cables though these devices, no enclosure.   

Issues to consider when deploying:

1) I've seen a NSM2 XM device...

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AREDN Documentation Repository

Thanks to a great suggestion and some content from Steve KC0EUW, we now have an AREDN document repository on GitHub.

If you just want to read what is in the library, you can view the docs on at
You can also find this documentation by clicking on the Docs menu item on the front page and making your choice from the dropdown list. 
We added a new Network Design Guide to help you in planning your local AREDN mesh network.

If you are interested in contributing to the rapidly growing set of AREDN related information, you can easily do so on GitHub. This works the same way as if you were contributing code to the project.
There are detailed instructions on how you can contribute to AREDN documentation in the file 

Summary Instructions:

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