Nightly build 2017 is based on the latest OpenWRT release, version 22.03.2. (The current AREDN production release is based on OpenWRT 19.07 from January 2020).
There are significant changes in this nightly build:
All devices have been moved to the ath79 device tree (no more ar71xx).
The ipq40xx device tree has been added.
Each device now has its own image file.
Some filenames have been changed.
As a result devices need to be tested carefully, at least initially.
The most current status on nightly builds can be found in the README file here:
While this release has been tested on more than 90% of device types active on AREDN networks, it could not be tested on everything and support for some devices is either untested or not readily available. If you need a nightly build that’s missing please let us know and we will add it if possible (but you will need to provide hardware for development and testing).
This release also provides initial support for some new 802.11ac-capable* devices, including devices from Ubiquiti, Mikrotik and TP-Link.
Note that the AREDN images for these newest products have not had extensive testing. So the usual caveats especially apply:
DON’T install this build in a node that’s not easily accessible or that’s a vital production node.
Be aware that it may melt your data (but probably not)
Report issues on GitHub here You’ll need to create a GitHub account if you haven’t already, to report something. To avoid duplicates, please check first in case someone else has already reported your issue.
Note 1.
For now ignore the files with initramfs-kernel in the name except for the mikrotik devices where you use this file instead of the .elf files. The unneeded files will be removed from the build process in later nightly builds.
Note 2.
The First Install procedure, while unchanged for other products, is significantly different and somewhat more involved for Ubiquiti 802.11ac products. The new procedure will be contained in the AREDN documentation here when it’s finalized.
* Running 802.11ac protocol will not yield faster throughput except in very limited cases: if two 802.11ac devices are linked, they may run slightly faster than older devices if the SNR is good enough to allow it. The primary mover for adding support for these devices is because the vendors are discontinuing production of the older 802.11n-only devices. By adding support for the new devices, AREDN helps assure continued availability of supported devices for network expansion and maintenance.
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