Before flashing a Ubiquiti device that is running or has been running AirOS version 5.6, please run the AREDN U-Boot Test program below before attempting a firmware load or upgrade.
We have developed the following utility to help you determine if your device is compatible, as well as being able to take a BACKUP of your node’s critical partitions.
Download and run the AREDN U-Boot Test Setup Program. If the test results in a "GOOD/GOOD" result, then you may proceed to load the appropriate AREDN firmware onto it.
If the test results are "BAD," then you should do the following:
Backup your device partitions using the AREDN U-Boot Test program.
Use the AirOS GUI to downgrade to AirOS v5.5.x.
Re-run the AREDN U-Boot Test program and look for a "GOOD/GOOD" test.
If "GOOD/GOOD", you can safely use the AirOS GUI install AREDN firmware.
Requires Windows 7 or higher and Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.
Over the air firmware flash
Beginning with release you can update firmware over-the-air without needing to visit each node. Use the following steps to upgrade:
From an existing AREDN 3.0.2 node: Download the Over The Air Upgrade Patch “V3.0.2.OTA Support Final” found below
From an existing BBHN 3.1.0 node: Download the Over The Air Upgrade Patch “BBHN V3.1.0 OTA Support Final” found below
Load the patch using the Upload Firmware function on the Administration screen
Give the node a few minutes to reboot
Check the “Keep Settings” box that now appears on the Administration page
Upload the appropriate sysupgrade firmware from the table, below
Give the node 5 minutes to go through two reboot cycles
Node will come up in the new firmware with the old settings in tacked.
If you don’t need to perform an over-the-air upgrade, then simply load the sysupgrade firmware. Once the release has been installed on a node, subsequent upgrades can be performed over-the-air and, when the box is checked, will preserve existing settings.
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