Joe has been a ham since 1974 starting with WB0TWC, N5OVO, AD6VD, then AE6XE.
Professionally Joe has worked in Product Development for over 30 years starting out at Texas Instruments in the 1980s and now works for Schnieder Electric in the Industrial Automation R&D group creating control systems to automate Industrial facilities including Oil Refineries, Nuclear, Chemical, and Desalination Plants.
Joe began his work with mesh technology in 2013 establishing the first major hub site in Orange County, CA on Saddleback Mountain. Partnering up with Don Hill, KE6BXT, was formed and a premier tower site in the Los Angeles basin at Pleasants Peak was established with 4 AREDN nodes. Joe has presented at numerous Amateur Radio organizations in California and deployed AREDN in support of numerous community events and emcomm drills. Currently, Joe is teaming up with regional AREDN groups to establish a California backbone and continues to support the AREDN community by enhancing the firmware and supporting global users.
When Joe hasn't been buying too much Ubiquiti and Mikrotik equipment and climbing towers, he enjoys traveling, flying out of John Wayne Airport to maintain his pilot proficiency, and numerous outdoor activities.
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