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Installing AREDN on Mikrotik using Windows

Installing AREDN on Mikrotik using Windows

The new Mikrotik devices supported by AREDN are great, but the installation procedure for loading AREDN firmware on them using a Linux computer has been intimidating to many in our community.

There is no reason to fear any longer.

Ray KK6RAY (formerly KM6WUH) devised a procedure to install AREDN firmware on Mikrotik using a Windows computer. The widespread familiarity with Windows and fewer steps in Ray's procedure should greatly reduce any anxiety you may have about trying a Mikrotik unit.

Ray produced a 20-minute video to demonstrate the installation procedure. The video is on YouTube here.
In addition to a Windows computer, an AREDN-supported Mikrotik device (see Supported Platform Matrix), and an Ethernet cable, you will need:

NOTE: Ray updated these instructions with the following: "If your home WiFi network gives you an IP address in the 192.168.1.x subnet, you will need to disconnect from the WiFi. In my case, my home WiFi router gives me a 10.0.0.x IP address, so I had conflicts remaining connected to my home network while flashing."

Ray has become a very active contributor to the AREDN project recently and we're grateful for his efforts.

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