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Hamvention 2018 Theme Promotes Community Service

​Hamvention® 2018 Theme Promotes Community Service

As reported by the ARRL, the theme for Hamvention® 2018 is “Amateur Radio...Serving the Community.” Ron Cramer, KD8ENJ, Hamvention General Chairman, said the theme acknowledges the role that ham radio operators play in their communities, especially in times of emergencies.
“During recent disasters, hurricanes in Florida, Texas and Puerto Rico and wildfires in the West, Amateur Radio operators were once again called upon to provide emergency communication assistance when regular services failed or were overtaxed,” Cramer said.
He said that in keeping with the theme, Hamvention is planning to have forums on emergency communication and displays of Amateur Radio emergency communication vehicles. Disasters are not the only times that Amateur Radio operators contribute to their communities. 

For more information see the Hamvention website and the ARRL website.

Look for the AREDN team and the Miami Valley Mesh Alliance when you are there. We look forward to meeting you.

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