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Chuck NC8Q

Charles Eric "Chuck" Gelm NC8Q is a retired industrial electrician who lives in Southwestern Ohio. He was first licensed in 1966 as a Novice amateur radio operator. He upgraded his license to General in 1973 and Advanced in 1074. Chuck currently holds and Extra Class license obtained in 1982.
Chuck achieved a Network+ certification in 2000 from CompTia. His volunteer activities include acting as an Amateur Radio License Class instructor and an occasional HamventionÒ committee Assistant Chair. 

Chuck has avidly pursued AREDNÒ networking since 2017. He is very active on the Forum and has assisted many in our community. His main interests are amateur radio, computers, golf, and tennis. He spends a lot of time entertaining his 6 children, 13 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandchild.


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