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AREDN at Ham-Com KG6JEI Presentation Video

​AREDN at Ham-Com KG6JEI Presentation Video

A video of the presentation given by Conrad KG6JEI titled AREDN: The successor and future of BBHN at Ham-Com 2016 in Irving, Texas is available on the Internet. It was produced by Jason KC5HWB and is available on his website Hamradio 2.0 Live from the Hamshack. Jason did an excellent job of recording the talk. He also offers his personal impression of the evolution of mesh networking in the introduction. There are many other entertaining podcasts, now numbering 47,  on Jason's website.

The presentation slide deck will be available shortly in the Archive section of Ham-com 2016.

The AREDN team would like to thank the organizers of Ham-Com 2016 for putting on a first-rate convention. The staff were always eager to help and always delivered quickly. The Irving Convention Center is a great place to hold a large gathering - bright, clean and easy to get around. Most of all, we went home with fond memories of the hundreds of friendly hams we met. Thank you all for a terrific experience! 


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