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How to edit available URLs in Advertised Services

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How to edit available URLs in Advertised Services
Hello all,

I have an IP camera that I can put on mesh with a live video stream, it works.  However, some people on our local OR mesh have their cameras setup to take a snapshot on a timer and serve it from a server on demand (loads way faster than streaming video).  The AREDN link goes to the web server, not to the camera.

I'd like to be able to publish a url that has the complete information to ask the camera to take a jpg then send it to the requesting station.  I'd like to be able to edit the URL field in Advertised Services so it includes login credentials to the camera.  I can almost do this now, but it still requires a user name and password to return the image.

The instructions from another ham here were as follows ...

Get a working URL from iSpyConnect - Based on model IP2M-841W, I used the Amcrest resource at iSpyConnect to build a working URL to grab a snapshot:

This URL works.  If I copy and paste it into a new browser window the image pops right up.  If I refresh the browser window, an updated jpg appears.  Just what I want.  However, I cannot edit the fields in the AREDN Port Forwarding, DHCP and Services page.  I want to insert the text    user:userpwd1@    before the URL.  I also cannot edit the host name when making the address reservation ... it says what I want to enter is not permitted.

Is this a feature request?  Is there a workaround?  I don't want to have to also run a server to provide this service, just link directly on the AREDN mesh status page.

w6bi's picture
New Feature

The place to ask for this is on GitHub, in the AREDN instance.  Tag it as a feature request.
Orv W6BI
nc8q's picture
Get a snapshot
I'd like to be able to publish a url that has the complete information to ask the camera to take a jpg then send it to the requesting station.

Hi, Ed:

My (~$50) camera offers both a 'fresh' snapshot and/or a 'live' movie.
If you 'refresh' your browser, you get a 'refreshed' image.

Snapshot direct URL: Movie requires login: user&password=guest1

73, Chuck

Image Attachments: 
Thank you Chuck, just what I
Thank you Chuck, just what I needed.  I see from your pages that the camera is residing as a service on your Gl.i switch, exactly what I am trying to do.   I guess right now I have three options;

1  Find out if my existing camera can provide a snapshot without a user login.  I'll do some research.  At least your snapshot url meets the current AREDN requirements.

2  I'll still look to the Github as the main issue seems to be either a) non permitted characters can't be in the URL as that is what is used for OLSR tables or b) for some reason we can't add characters to a linked url, or no one has asked for it before. 

3  I see the camera is Reolink.  Can you provide the exact model?

nc8q's picture
Can you provide the exact model?
Hi, Ed:

Yes, I can.
Here it is:

IIRC, I ordered from and got free shipping.

3s, Chuck
Well, after some research on
Well, after some research on Amcrest and Reolink cameras I've found I needed to enable anonymous login on a default user for my cameras.  Now they do the opposite of what Chucks camera does, I can link directly to them with no login for video, but I cannot get a snapshot without a user login.  Weird. 

1  I wonder if there is an outdoor rated IP camera that will allow for both snapshot and video without having to put login before the host name.  My goal is to be able to put one link for still capture, and another link for video so someone visiting my page can chose, without having to setup a web server alongside the camera in each location.

2  I really doubt that allowing characters before the host name in the url of an advertised service will work, as our OLSR tables would get pretty ugly.  I'm going to hold off trying to figure out github and feature requests for now, but if any developers want to weigh in that is fine with me.  Perhaps the new "Batman" routing would be able to handle this?

3  My video feeds load super slowly.  My connection speed is fine as reported by winmtr, and I do know how to reduce bandwidth by slowing framerate, going with smaller video size, quality etc.  I can't understand why other carmeas on the mesh load in seconds and my cameras take a full minute to show video.  I guess I'll continue to work on this and perhaps open another thread.


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