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Mikrotik SXTsq 5 High Power gets stuck at boot up

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Mikrotik SXTsq 5 High Power gets stuck at boot up
Hi All,

I have a "RBSXTsq5HPnD-US" (interestingly, the "IC" value on the back says 7442A-LHG5HPND). I got the latest Aredn firmware flashed on it ( Everything else seems to work fine on it except at bootup, it gets stuck as a DHCP client.

After power up, I have to let it sit for a minute, push the reset button for about 7-8 seconds and then it moves on from the DHCP loop and boots up normally. When it is stuck in DHCP client mode, it actually does not accept any DHCP leases from the DHCP server (I do packet capture and I can see it ignores all lease offers from the DHCP server). Very frustrating because I cannot really mount the radio up on a mast or anywhere remote. Wondering how do I troubleshoot this issue or what sort of debug logs can I inspect/share to find the root cause? I am pretty familiar with all these *nix/bsd so please feel free to leave detailed debugging instructions. Or, if you want me to build/recompile a different firmware, I'd be happy to do that too. 

Thanks - WV6U
w6bi's picture
DHCP Client??
Siddhartha, as a rule AREDN nodes don't run as a DHCP client.  The only time they'll do that if they're in TFTP mode, which implies on boot-up your reset button is stuck, or something.

I suggest doing a reload of the current firmware and seeing if that resolves it.

Orv W6BI
Hi Orv,
Hi Orv,

Pretty sure the reset button isn't stuck and it isn't in TFTP mode either. Also, reloaded the firmware a few times. Could be some sort of hardware glitch. I will use it as a portable node so I can get it unstuck quickly at boot :) 

Thanks - Siddhartha
nc8q's picture
My RBSXTsq5HPnD's sticker on the back says:

My RBSXTsq5HPnD's sticker on the back says:

SXTsq 5
SN: 1D030AB5F097/916

Image Attachments: 
K6CCC's picture
This may be an obvious one,
This may be an obvious one, but are you sure it is acting as a DHCP client?  By default the LAN port on an AREDN node should be a DHCP server - not a client.  Note that the WAN port (VLAN 1 on a node with only one physical port) may well operate as a DHCP client.

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