I'm trying to use an Ubiquiti node as a mesh gateway, but the nodes just don't get a DHCP lease. I've tried both a Rocket and Nanostation (both M2) and neither gets a lease. I plug my laptop in and it works fine. Any ideas?
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it's not dtdlinking that is providing it, but, it is vlan1 (this is the virtual WAN port). Since most Ubiquiti devices only have a single ethernet, then virtual lans (vlans) must be used. If you want a high-quality equivalent of the linksys, then you can look at the Ubiquiti AirRouter. This device has a dedicated WAN port, dedicated DTDLink port, and 3 LAN ports. It is supported in our firmware.
They have a 600mw radio in them (the HP version), powered by PoE, 32MB storage, 8MB memory, can be upgraded over the air, and can be used on Part97 only frequencies (ch -2).
The lower power unit is around $40 - http://amzn.com/B004EFLMAE
and the high power unit is around $60 - http://amzn.com/B007ZJ8KLA
I'm using one as a Tunnel Server and another one as a Tunnel Client. I recently took one to our local EMA office and it was able to punch through the County network without any changes... Plug and Play!
So far, it's much easier than getting another Switch. It is basically a Linksys WRT54G on steroids!
Forgot to mention the built-in WAN port and a USB port on the AirRouter HP . What Darryl said above! I've got two more of the HP units arriving today plus an AR just to try. Unless you really need to pinch pennies, spend the few extra bucks on the HP model, otherwise the AR would suffice to get started, but it doesn't have POE, External antenna port and I don't know if it has a USB port or not.
I look forward to USB support for shared file storage.
since Rockets only have one physical port, no.
Nanostations do have two physical ports and there is an open enhancement request for this feature: http://bloodhound.aredn.org/products/AREDN/ticket/56
However, the workaround is to simply use a $30-$40 external vlan capable switch, in the interim. it's fairly trivial to setup the vlan switch.
<my_opinion>I think working to add additional support for XW hardware should be priority over this, since the WAN access has a solution (in VLANs) and there is no workaround for expanded XW hardware support today.</my_opinion>