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Bullet M2 installation

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K5DLQ's picture
Rolly, everytime that you
Rolly, everytime that you reset the node (with the reset button), you are putting back into "pre-config" mode.  That's the only time that you will see "MESH" broadcasting on your Wifi.
Go back and configure it again.  After that, if you DONT see "MESH" in your wifi list, you will know that the node is operating PROPERLY in mesh mode.  From that point on, you need to only use a wired connection.  Try disabling your firewall on your pc.  Try disabling any other software/browser security plugins. 

Try installing Firefox and seeing if you can access http://localnode.local.mesh.

This certainly sounds like a software firewall/program is blocking your browser from accessing localnode.local.mesh:8080

KW7RS's picture
Bullet M2 installation
Darryl:  Thanks much for hanging in there with me.  I will try all that you have suggested.

Just for clarification, when using a wired connection, can that be with the Desktop wired to the ASUS wireless router and switch, OR must it be with the Desktop ONLY hooked up to the Poe?  Please advise.  Thanks again.

K5DLQ's picture
No problem.  The desktop must
No problem.  The desktop must be direct to the POE.  The only way to connect the node (Poe) to you home network is via another network switch.  But, that's more complex and not a lesson for now.  Let's just get PC talking to node via wired connection to confirm good mesh access.
KW7RS's picture
Bullet M2 Installation
Darryl: Disable windows firewalls. Downloaded Firefox. Installed Firefox. Wired Desktop only to Poe LAN input. In Firefox browser, put in http://localnode.local.mesh and http://localnode.local.mesh:8080 and it DID NOT respond to either.  Please bear in mind that Bullet is 150 feet removed from Poe which is the 24 vdc type.  Not sure of what should have been put in configuration screen for power and some number below power entry.  Don't know how much Voltage and Current is getting to Bullet M2HP. Should I start over by hitting reset on Poe for >30 seconds?  Please advise.  Thanks.
K5DLQ's picture
can you open command prompt
can you open command prompt and type:

copy and paste the output here.

(trying to see if your computer is getting an IP address from the node)
KW7RS's picture
Bullet M2 Installation
Darryl: Opened command prompt. Invoked ipconfig.  See attached.
Image Attachments: 
K5DLQ's picture
ok.  it looks like your PC is
ok.  it looks like your PC is plugged into your HOME NETWORK still ( instead of the POE adapter's LAN port.
KW7RS's picture
Bullet M2 Installation
Darryl:  Went back and did another ipconfig with Windows firewall off and Desktop only hooked up to Poe.  Now ipconfig says 10.x.x.x.  With that in place tried several attempts to communicate with Bullet.  See attached.
Image Attachments: 
K5DLQ's picture
This looks good.  Now open
This looks good.  Now open the browser on the desktop PC and type http://localnode.local.mesh:8080
KW7RS's picture
Bullet M2 installation
Darryl:  You are right on the money.  A local fellow that is an IT administrator here in Tucson came over to help.  There were two networks fighting each other.  You and I had that figured out.  The local fellow (K7BUM) brought his laptop and pluged it in directly to the LAN input of the Poe and bingo the Bullet was already setup properly thanks to your instructions.  Then we hooked up the Desktop in place of his Laptop.  The Desktop would not connect to the bullet!  He knew right away the the DHCP was WRONG.  I sat down and drilled down to the DHCP.  It was set to NOT grab the DHCP automatically.  Set it to automatic and BOOM the Desktop can now load and interact with the Bullet.  That was the final problem now is solved.  So store that away in your memory banks. Remember, I am a newbie at this game.  I set the DHCP before on someone's recommendation.

And again, cannot thank you enough for all your HELP.

Rolly KW7RS
K5DLQ's picture
KW7RS's picture
Bullet M2 installation
Darryl:  Mike (K7BUM) said something about a special ethernet switch wherein both of the networks can coexist and will not fight each other.  Do you know what kind of gadget this is?  Need to get one on order soon and get it incorporated into the network systems.

Rolly KW7RS
K7BUM's picture
Ethernet Switch

I was happy to help today- One correction on your "Computer to Node" config- you had your DNS to be STATIC (to the DNS servers) and not DHCP- That's why we could get to the node via IP address and not by name...

You basically need a "Managed" switch that can VLAN... I use the Mikrotik RB260GSP... It's a 5 port switch that will allow you to connect your home network and make it an internet gateway... The model mentioned also serves POE to attached nodes so you don't need an additional POE injectors. It will run you about $50... Ubiquiti also has a very good POE switch, but costs a little more.

I was very glad to be able to help you out and make you part of the Southern Arizona Mesh!

Mike, K7BUM
KW7RS's picture
Bullet M2 installation
Mike:  Thanks for the reply.  I am a Novice at this stuff.  Is the following statement "One correction on your "Computer to Node" config- you had your DNS to be STATIC (to the DNS servers) and not DHCP- That's why we could get to the node via IP address and not by name".

Where does one change the DNS to DHCP?  Is "Computer to Node" config in the AREDN firmware configuration wherein DNS needs to be changed to DHCP?

Rolly, KW7RS
K7BUM's picture
DNS Setting

We all start somewhere- I learn something new every day.

It was the setting in the "Network Adapter Settings"---> TCP/IP Version 4 properties.

There was a Checkbox that said something along the following:

"Obtain DNS server address automatically"- Yours was set  to a static address.

Best regards-
Mike, K7BUM
KW7RS's picture
Bullet M2 installation
Mike:  That is easy to do and will get it done.  Ordered Managed Switch the model you suggested. Will it allow both Networks to operate without collisions?  Does one have to manipulate the managed switch each time to access the mesh network?  Does the managed switch only, go downstream of the Wireless router?  From there, to Poe/Bullet and another port to the existing 4 port switch for printers and computers?  Trying to form a mental picture of the topology of the complete system of computers, switches, Bullet Network etc.  Please advise.  Thanks EVER so much.

Best Regards,
Rolly KW7RS
KW7RS's picture
Bullet M2 installation
What needs to be input for Channel, Bandwidth, Distance and Power Level?  Unfamiliar with this as first time setup.  Thanks ever so much for all your HELP!

WU2S's picture
Channel, Bandwidth, Distance and Power Level
Many people are have success with channel -2 and bandwidth of either 5 MHz or 10 Mhz. This gets you away from interference with the Part 15 WiFi channels. Distance should be to the farthest node you expect to link to, plus a little. One way to set the power is to start in the middle and adjust so that you get a good link quality (% LQ and NLQ). Of course, if you don't have the second node up yet, leave the power all the way down until you are ready.


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