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Videographers Wanted

​Video Recordings Wanted

We are starting to collect video recordings of AREDN networking activities for use in education and promotions. If you have experience in creating quality videos of people working outdoors, and are interested in helping us tell the story, please contact Randy WU2S by email to wu2s at

The video segments we want can be as short as 15 to 20 seconds but no more than about 2 minutes. A video with a focus on a specific activity works best. Examples of such activities include: installing an AREDN mesh node on a mast at a new deployment, a view of a served agency staffer (eg. OEM, Red Cross, etc.) using a mesh connected VoIP phone or WinLink during an exercise or deployment, video captures from camera used to support public officials at parades, bike races and 10K runs. A picture of the AREDN label on the equipment used would be a big plus.

Field Day is a great opportunity to capture some mesh networking in the context of our annual preparedness exercise.

Be sure to get a model's release from anyone you record so that the AREDN project can freely use their image on the website and in marketing materials. We'll also need your permission as the videographer to use your work in the same ways.

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